Soren’s Healthy Tips

Soren Mudridge has chosen children’s health as his Grade 5 Exposition project. As part of this project, he will be posting periodic healthy tips to incorporate into your daily routine. Give it a try and see if you “feel better in yourself”!

Soren’s Healthy Tip #3

Try making an avocado sandwich with mozzarella, avocado, a baguette and tomato!


Soren’s healthy tips

Soren Mudridge has chosen children’s health as his Grade 5 Exposition project. As part of this project, he will be posting periodic healthy tips to incorporate into your daily routine. Give it a try and see if you “feel better in yourself”!

Soren’s Healthy Tip #2

Try making a dessert out of fruit and honey instead of a sugary and fattening dessert.You will enjoy a healthier dessert


Soren’s healthy tips

Soren Mudridge has chosen children’s health as his Grade 5 Exposition project. As part of this project, he will be posting periodic healthy tips to incorporate into your daily routine. Give it a try and see if you “feel better in yourself”!

Soren’s Healthy Tip #1

Check all of the labels on your food. Pull out all the ones with high fructose corn syrup in them and don’t use those foods for a week, you’ll feel better in yourself!